Changes of Name 1760-1901


Changes of Surnames between 1760 and 1901 which were primarily granted by Royal licence, with references mainly to the London Gazette and the Dublin Gazette, but also the Times and other newspapers. Also referred to are names changed under Private Acts of Parliament, deed poll or advertisement.

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Added 10th Aug 2017 14:41
Last Edited 14th May 2018 13:41

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Data Page

Select if contains a list of names

1.1. Header

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1.2. Data

1.2.1. Title

e.g. Sir, Reverend, Mr etc

1.2.2. Forename Adopted

First forename, if given, prior to the colon, eg Adams, A L : Abraham, A S L please note there are very few entries with a change of forename

Please enter initials without punctuation

(Reference entries are not required, eg Aaron see Arnold, please do not include these in the transcript)

1.2.3. Forename

Please enter initials without punctuation

(Reference entries are not required, eg Aaron see Arnold, please do not include these in the transcript)

1.2.4. Surname Adopted

First surname given prior to the colon, eg Abbey Williams : Williams

(Reference entries are not required, eg Aaron see Arnold, please do not include these in the transcript)

1.2.5. Surname Discarded

Second surname given after the colon, eg Abbey Williams : Williams

(Reference entries are not required, eg Aaron see Arnold, please do not include these in the transcript)

1.2.6. Profession

Any information relating to profession, eg. Senior Military Chaplain of the Bengal Estab. Meerut, Bengal India; or, 4th Regiment at Gibraltar

1.2.7. Address

Please enter as shown where given

1.2.8. Source

When given enter the newspaper, eg: Times, or the Act of Parliament details exactly as given, eg: Index pub. And priv. Statutes p.502 22 Vict c.l. If there is a LG page number given, but it does not state LG as the source, please do not enter it.

Other Source abbreviations/contractions - Betham = a list made by W Betham, Ulster about 1800 con. = continue the name of com. = commonly D.C. = Dublin Castle D.G. = Dublin Gazette d.p. = deed poll Lyon = Lyon Register, Edinburgh L.G. = London Gazette R.L. = Royal Licence St. J. = St James W. Wll. or Whll. = Whitehall

If an entry has two or more dates, e.g. St James's, 4 Nov, Whitehall, 18 Nov, 1867 enter all into source, and because the month is the same, enter the month and year into the date of change fields. If the month was different but the year is the same, enter the year only into the year of date of change.

If there is a gazette date, this should be used as the primary date for the date of name change.

1.2.9. Day of Date of Change

Day must be entered in the format DD regardless of how it appears on the image. The Date of Change usually refers to the date of the Royal Licence, but may be the date of advertisement in the Times, or occasionally the date of the deed poll.

If there is a gazette date, this should be used as the primary date for the date of name change.

For multiple dates see instructions listed for source

1.2.10. Month of Date of Change

Month must be entered in the format MM regardless of how it appears on the image. The Date of Change usually refers to the date of the Royal Licence, but may be the date of advertisement in the Times, or occasionally the date of the deed poll.

If there is a gazette date, this should be used as the primary date for the date of name change.

For multiple dates see instructions listed for source

1.2.11. Year of Date of Change

Years must be entered in the format YYYY regardless of how it appears on the image. The Date of Change usually refers to the date of the Royal Licence, but may be the date of advertisement in the Times, or occasionally the date of the deed poll.

If there is a gazette date, this should be used as the primary date for the date of name change.

For multiple dates see instructions listed for source

1.2.12. Gazette page number

The LG (London Gazette) or D.G. (Dublin Gazette) page number is only ever given in brackets, eg (4887) and is to be entered as 4887.

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2.1. Header

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2.2. Data

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