Poll Book - Northampton 1831


The Poll at the election of two Burgesses to represent the town and borough of Northampton in Parliament taken at the General Election on the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th days of May in the year 1831 and at a scrutiny of the same election on the 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th, 20th, 21st, 23rd, 24th, 25th, 26th, 27th, 28th and 30th days of the same month

Difficulty Level Notes

The text is all printed and laid out in columns. There is a similarity between f and s in the old typeface used

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Difficulty Beginner
Credits Per Row 1
Images Per Batch 1
Added 3rd Aug 2017 14:46
Last Edited 12th Mar 2018 09:27

Page Types

Poll Page

Select if contains a list of names

1.1. Header

There are no fields required for this type.

1.2. Data

1.2.1. Title

e.g. Sir, Reverend, Mr etc

1.2.2. Forename

As shown in the 1st column on the page named Persons Names begins with Surname followed by Forename

1.2.3. Surname

As shown in the 1st column on the page named Persons Names begins with Surname followed by Forename

1.2.4. Suffix

e.g. Esquire, Baronet, Junior, Senior, D.D. etc

1.2.5. Places of Abode

As shown in the 2nd column on the page named Abodes

1.2.6. Occupation

As shown in the left of the 3rd column on the page named Occupations

No Data

Select No Data if the image does not have the type of information indexed in this project.

2.1. Header

There are no fields required for this type.

2.2. Data

There are no fields required for this type.

Unreadable Page

Select Unreadable Image if the image is completely unreadable.

3.1. Header

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3.2. Data

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