A list of the names of the persons together with the places of their freehold who voted for Knights of the Shire for the County of Northampton at the two last elections July 1702 and May the 17th 1705
The text is all printed and laid out in columns. There is a similarity between f and s in the old typeface used.
Difficulty | Beginner |
Credits Per Row | 1 |
Images Per Batch | 1 |
Added | 3rd Aug 2017 12:14 |
Last Edited | 12th Mar 2018 09:27 |
Select if contains a list of names
Enter the hundred location shown at the top of each section e.g. Kings Sutton
Given at the top of each section of names
e.g. Sir, Reverend, Mr etc - only enter a title if it is present on the image
Begins with Forename followed by Surname under the Place of Freehold
Begins with Forename followed by Surname under the Place of Freehold
e.g. Esquire, Baronet, Junior, Senior, D.D. etc
Select No Data if the image does not have the type of information indexed in this project.
Select Unreadable Image if the image is completely unreadable.